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The fairyland----- Provence (普罗旺斯)( 初二(5班) 魏宇晨)
本信息由 浦建军 于 04-28 16:26 发布 共890次访问

   Provence, a place in the south-east of France, is famous for lavenders, as you know, it’s a good place to get a good view of lavenders. Romantic lavender which is a symbol of cleanliness kisses each part of your skin softly like a gentle breeze. Just imagine that you lie on the ground to see sunset and sunrise with all kinds of lavenders around you. You go around and take photos of bees which are having fun among the lavenders; you will feel pure in heart. When watching the sunrise, you realize that everything is new, including yourself. The sun gives each part of the world warmth and hope and makes you a better man as well. You will feel lucky to have a chance to appreciate the beauty of lavenders.

  It’s really a magical and romantic place with some wonderful fairy tale stories. These stories must be the greatest ones because they show some feelings. By writing them, people are able to get a little comfort.

  I want to pay a visit to Provence some day. I’m sure that Provence must be as beautiful as the city of Romance-- Paris. I think I have been to Provence in my dream. If anyone asks me what good life is after my visit to Provence , I will tell them without hesitation, “It’s about joy, goodness, love, the music within, with lavender blooming”.

  Chairman Mao Zedong once said “He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man”. Now, I want to say“He who has never been to Provence is not a true man”. However, it is a pity that I’ve never been to either of the two places. I do believe that my dream will come true some day.

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