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Thinking about the video by Chai Jing(初二(5)班 魏宇晨)
本信息由 浦建军 于 04-28 16:23 发布 共909次访问

  Yesterday, I watched a video by Chai Jing. The video called Under the Dome(《穹顶之下》) is mainly about the haze and the pollution around us. After my watching, I began to worry about my life with fear. How will I live? The haze is just light mist which can hurt our bodies greatly. It’s very small so we cannot see it at all but actually it is everywhere.

   The haze has become one of our enemies. It is made up of a large number of things, such as PM2.5. And some low quality oil and coal can make the bad guy-- haze. Some cancers are caused by haze. Then what should we do to prevent haze from doing more harm to us? When you go out to a place you want to go to,if it is not far from the place you are in now, you should walk there or go there by bus instead of driving there. And if you see the chimneys which are letting off the waste into the air, you can call 12369.

  It is necessary for us to keep our environment clean and nice. Now seeing blue skies and white clouds is just day-dreaming. It’s really incredible. If we do nothing, I’m sure that our country, China will be tarnished and destroyed sooner or later and we can only wait for our death.

  Haze is terrible but it’s also an experience. Haze hurts everyone badly, but we should be brave to face it.

  This is a war, a terrible war and a tough war. I am so sure that we can win it although Chai Jing said “The air is filled with the smell of money”, because our souls belong to the nature instead of money.

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