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My dream place -Australia(初二5蔡雨)
本信息由 浦建军 于 04-28 16:22 发布 共808次访问

   You must have heard of Australia, but do you know any scenic spots and unique species in this country? Let’s take an online tour of it.

   Australia is a special country which is surrounded by the sea. It owns a large landmass. It is home to many special plants and animals, such as Greville robusta, Kangaroos and Koalas.

   The first place to recommend is the Great Barrier Reef(大堡礁), the biggest and longest coral reefs in the world. It is across from the northeast coast of Australia. There are many colourful coral reefs. Some of them are as white as snow, some are as red as fire and some as yellow as gold. Also, about 1500 kinds of living things live there freely. You can drive with them. I think it will be very dreamlike to watch the sky and the sun from the sea .It will be bright and pure.


   The next is Australia Gold Coast(黄金海岸). It is located in the middle of Australia's east coast. In spring brooks, a kind of insect named blue ling firefly(凌萤火虫) lives there. They look like the stars in the night sky.

    he last is Skyrail(天轨). It is in Rain Forestation Nature Park. You can take the  telpher(空中缆车) to go through the rain forestation. You can see green plants and many different insects everywhere. I hope you are not afraid of insects.

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