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After reading “Gone with the wind”(初二(5)班 吴心愉)
本信息由 浦建军 于 04-28 16:21 发布 共638次访问

    I have read the book named “gone with the wind” many times. It is a great book which was written by American author named Margaret Michell in 1930. At first, the title of the book attracted me because I didn’t understand why it used such an easy word to include the whole story. But after reading it, I was moved deeply by Merlin, Scarlett and Reed’s mind.

   It is a story about something happening in the south of the USA. This book’s actress is Scarlett. She is my favorite character of this book. The story was caused by a Warfare and Scarlett grew up in this awful environment. She is a person who has strong personality. She faced many problems on her way to her life. She was brave to fight with problems in her life instead of giving up. Sometimes, in the end of the despair, when she wasn’t able to do anything, Scarlett would told herself: “Tomorrow is a new day. Everything will be fine tomorrow.”

   This book told me a lot. Scarlett told me: We can’t give up when problems of the life comes because tomorrow is another day. We shouldn’t be sad to watch the world. Over the past, just let it go. Life doesn’t end. Our feet can’t end too. If life deceives you, even if all you see is ugly and dirty, you must believe that there is still something pure and beautiful in the world.

   At last I want to say, life is just like a mountain. The way to the top of the mountain can’t be flat. When you fall down on the way to the top, it may make you feel despair and lose the bravery of living. But if you want to be alive to the end, you must climb up.

   I think it is a great book, isn’t it?. Go and read it!

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